nodejs同样有能力来保存base64编码的图片。 解决方案一: 使用new Buffer来创建对应编码的缓冲,通过fs模块将Buffer写成一个文件。 优点:简单易用,无需其它模块的支持。 缺点:不能对图片的尺寸,水印,压缩,格式等进行处理。 注意点: 1、new Buffer接收到base64编码,不能带data:URL,而使用canvas . toDataURL()导出...
- Saving as file formats other than SFDT and DOCX For these additional services, a server-side dependency is necessary. Therefore, implementing them with Node.js and the demo service URL is not a viable solution. You will need a server to make web API calls for these services. The service...
native_buffer.h native_image.h native_interface_xcomponent.h native_vsync.h raw_dir.h raw_file_manager.h raw_file.h context.h data_type.h format.h model.h status.h tensor.h types.h neural_network_runtime_type.h neural_network_runtime.h native_avcodec_aud...
Convert from bigint to buffer (or uint8array), hex string, utf8 string, bas64 and backwards. For both node.js and javascript native. - juanelas/bigint-conversion
const{ load } = require('@pspdfkit/nodejs');constfs = require('node:fs');asyncfunctionconvertToPDF() {constdocx = fs.readFileSync('example.xlsx');constinstance =awaitload({ document: docx, });constbuffer =awaitinstance.exportPDF(); fs.writeFileSync('converted.pdf', Buffer.from(buffe...
Usage in NodeJS Convert the main image in a HEIC to JPEG const{promisify}=require('util');constfs=require('fs');constconvert=require('heic-convert');(async()=>{constinputBuffer=awaitpromisify(fs.readFile)('/path/to/my/image.heic');constoutputBuffer=awaitconvert({buffer:inputBuffer,// the...
GET http://localhost:9000/convert/:filename Convert to PDF from HTML The endpoint converts the HTML to a PDF. There are several settings available to get the best results. Uses PDFTron Node.js API for HTML2PDF. HTTP Request GET http://localhost:9000/convertHTML/:filename-:pathToHTML Exam...
Copy const AsposePdf = require('asposepdfnodejs'); const pdf_file = 'Aspose.pdf'; AsposePdf().then(AsposePdfModule => { /*Convert a PDF-file to JPG with template "ResultPdfToJpg{0:D2}.jpg" ({0}, {0:D2}, {0:D3}, ... format page number), resolution 150 DPI and save*/...
Convert HTML to PDF in node.js alextiley •1.0.1•5 years ago•1dependents•MITpublished version1.0.1,5 years ago1dependentslicensed under $MIT 2,960 html2pdf-ts Convert HTML to PDF. vitorric •1.2.23•2 months ago•1dependents•ISCpublished version1.2.23,2 months ago1depe...
注意是slaves节点的主机名),如果ping不通,原因可能是namenode节点的/etc/hosts 未配置主机名与IP地址...