//接收前台POST过来的base64 var imgData = req.body.imgData; //过滤data:URL var base64Data = imgData.replace(/^, ""); var dataBuffer = new Buffer(base64Data, 'base64'); fs.writeFile("out.png", dataBuffer, function(err) { if(err){ res.send(err); }e...
functionconvertToBase64String(input) {//将字符串转换为 Base64 编码的字符串returnbtoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(input))); }//测试转换函数const inputString = "中国"; const base64String=convertToBase64String(inputString); console.log(base64String);//输出 "5Lit5Zu9"...
ToBase64String(Byte[]) 将一个由 8 位无符号整数组成的数组转换为其等效的字符串表示形式,该表示形式使用 base-64 位数字进行编码。 ToBase64String(Byte[], Base64FormattingOptions) 将一个由 8 位无符号整数组成的数组转换为其等效的字符串表示形式,该表示形式使用 base-64 位数字进行编码。 可以指定是...
npm install file64 Yarn: yarn add file64 Usage Convert Base64 to Blob: import { base64ToBlob } from 'file64'; const blob = await base64ToBlob('data:text/plain;base64,YQ=='); Convert Base64 to File: import { base64ToFile } from 'file64'; const file = await base64ToFile('data...
Put the image path in a File object, set the encoding to 'BINARY', use myFile.open('r') and retrieve the binary string in a variable: var s = myFile.read(); Then, use base64.js (or similar lib) to convert the string into B64. http://www.stringify.com/static/j...
1.将图片URL转为转为file transferFile.js function setInitImg(url,callback){ let img = url;//这里是网上随便找的一张图片 let _ = this let imgRes getBase64(img, (dataURL) => { imgRes = dataURLtoFile(dataURL,img); console.log(imgRes) ...
Incredibly simple, free, and fast browser-based utility for converting base64 data to viewable and downloadable JPEG images. Just paste your base64 in this utility and you will instantly get a JPG.
This is a node package that helps you to convert base64 string created by javascript file reader to image downloadable file. Latest version: 0.0.16, last published: 3 years ago. Start using convert-base64-to-image in your project by running `npm i conver
Convert JSON to Base64 cross-browser testing tools World's simplest base64 JSON encoder for web developers and programmers. Just paste your JSON data structure in the form below, press Base64 Encode JSON button, and you get a base64-encoded JSON document. Press button, get JSON. No ads, ...
I have the scenario is below: - A base 64 string (i catch from a webservice) that represents a PDF file - I need convert that string to a PDF file, and open with the default PDF reader - Must work for Android, iOS and UWP