This, that you say is "best answer", is the same solution that was posted 23 months earlier at Also, at the time of the original question, compose(...
pixelIndexList=1×3 cell array {24x1 double} {4x1 double} {4x1 double} Examine one of the pixel index lists returned. For example, look at the second cell in the returned cell array. It contains the linear indices for all the pixels in the region labeled "2". The upper left corne...
Thank you Azzi, finally, the code of Andrei doesn't work because it mixes all the numbers in the numeric array. Your code just above works and it's a complete automatic version :) Thanks a lot for that !Thank
Beginning with MATLAB R2012b, you can use the "dataset2cell" command. For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
% Convert the cell array to a table table_data = table(data{1}, data{2}, data{3}, data{4}, data{5}, data{6}, data{7}, data{8},... 'VariableNames', {'Network','Station','Latitude','Longitude','Elevation','SiteName','StartTime','EndTime'}); ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 a ={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','8'}; n = str2double(a) This can be faster under some conditions: n = sscanf(sprintf('%s ', a{:}),'%d').' cell2matconverts the cell array of char vectors to a char matrix. But this does not con...
Thank you this worked perfectly, I wqas taking my data as a cell argument instead of strings. ...
Convert a string array to a cell array of character vectors. str = ["Venus","Earth","Mars"] str =1x3 string"Venus" "Earth" "Mars" C = convertStringsToChars(str) C =1x3 cell{'Venus'} {'Earth'} {'Mars'} Process and Return Input Arrays ...
Convert a string array to a cell array of character vectors. Get str = ["Venus","Earth","Mars"] str =1x3 string"Venus" "Earth" "Mars" Get C = convertStringsToChars(str) C =1x3 cell{'Venus'} {'Earth'} {'Mars'} Process and Return Input Arrays ...
If A is a cell array, use cell2table(A) to create a table from the contents of the cells in A. Each variable in the table is numeric or a cell array of character vectors. array2table(A) creates a table where each variable is a column of cells. ...