Any way to convert .Appxbundle file to .Exe? - posted in Windows 7: Hello guys, does anybody knows how we can convert appx bundle file to .exe file? A week ago I downloaded one software and its working great on Windows 10 but now i want to primarily use
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A! According to the official documentation, there is currently no way to convert a UWP app to an .exe or .msi file. The following are the types that can be packaged. App Package (.msix or .appx) App Bundle (.msixbundle or .appxbundle) App Package...
You have to register and use Microsoft Business Store There you can download offline Appx packages you can then install. E.g. on my Windows Server 2019 I was lacking the “Snip & Sketch”. I downloaded the .Appxbundle, extracted files from it with 7zip...
Hi @ziya balay , Welcome to Microsoft Q&A! According to the official documentation, there is currently no way to convert a UWP app to an .exe or .msi file. The following are the types that can be packaged. App Package (.msix or .appx) App Bundle (.msixbundle or .appx...