Here’s how to convert 110 kW to HP: Number of HP = 110 kW * 1.341 = 147.51 HP The average 110 kW car has about 150 horsepower. Example 2: 48,000 BTU 5-Zone Mini-Split Air Conditioner Mini-split air conditioners pack quite a lot of power. A48,000 BTU 5-zone air conditionerby ...
I have a airconditioner that has 14.800 btus for cooling and 8.600 btus for heating does this require 15 amp power source or would 10 amps run it also how many horsepower would this equal? added by admin: Just to double check, what is your power in kilowatts (KW) number on the air...
Amp hours to Milliamp hours (Ah to mAh) Milliamp hours to Amp hours (mAh to Ah) Volts and Amps to Milliamp hours (V, A to mAh) (Voltage and Current to mAh) Amps to Milliamp hours (Current to mAh) Milliamp hours to Amps (mAh to Current) Kilowatts to horsepower (kw to hp) Amps...
Note the reading in kPa. Convert the kPa value to kN/m^2 directly. These two values are exactly equivalent and are completely interchangeable. You may have seen the abbreviation kPa, for kilopascals, printed on the pressure gauge you use for the tires of your car. One kilopascal equals app...
Amp hours to Milliamp hours (Ah to mAh) Milliamp hours to Amp hours (mAh to Ah) Volts and Amps to Milliamp hours (V, A to mAh) (Voltage and Current to mAh) Amps to Milliamp hours (Current to mAh) Milliamp hours to Amps (mAh to Current) Kilowatts to horsepower (kw to hp) Amps...