Calculator to convert money in New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) to and from United States Dollar (USD) using up to date exchange rates.
It means you will get USD 0.0305 for 1 TWD or TWD 32.7698 for 1 USD. 也可用: free currency rates (244)Yahoo Finance (150)加拿大央行 (24)Blockchain (30)Bank of China (28)Central Bank of Azerbaijan (40)Reserve Bank of Australia (19) ...
What exactly are you trying to do from a transaction standpoint? If you book NTD as a currency, you should be able to report into USD provided you have setup your transaction currency as NTD and your company code currency as USD. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you...
semver: 5.7.1 dev: true/@changesets/assemble-release-plan/5.2.1: resolution: { integrity: sha512-d6ckasOWlKF9Mzs82jhl6TKSCgVvfLoUK1ERySrTg2TQJdrVUteZue6uEIYUTA7SgMu67UOSwol6R9yj1nTdjw==, } dependencies: '@babel/runtime': 7.19.0 ...