1 cubic meter is equal to 4399.3849659818 cup [Canada], or 264.17205124156 US gallon. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between cups and gallons [US]. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!
Convert volume units. Easily convert cups (imperial) to gallons (u.s. liquid), convert US.cup to gallon . Many other converters available for free.
cubic meter is equal to 4399384.9659818 millicup [Canada], or 219.96924829909 imperial gallon. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between millicups and imperial gallons. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the ...
Convert volume units. Easily convert liter to gallons (imperial), convert l to gallon . Many other converters available for free.
General information about cup to qtConversion category: Volume SI standard unit for volume: Cubic meter Related categories: Area, Length, PressureOther conversion pairs in volumeConvert cups to gallon Convert cups to ounces Convert cups to pints Convert gallons to ounces Convert gallons to cups ...
Liter to Other Metric Units 1 Liter to Gallons 0.2641720524 gal (US) 1 Liter to Quarts 1.0566882094 qt (US) 1 Liter to Cubic Metre 0.001 m^3 1 Liter to Cups 4.2267528377 cup (US) 1 Liter to Ounces 33.8140227018 fl oz (US) 1 Liter to Cubic Inches 61.0237440947 in^3 1 Liter to Deci...
A metric cup on the other hand is described as a form of two-fifty milliliters. A customary of cup in the United States works to be 236.5882365 milliliters with one by sixteen United States Customary gallons. In the United States customary 8 fluid ounce with sixteen United States customary...
Go ahead and convert your own value ofqt to cupin the converter below. 1 qt is equal to 4 cup If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter forcups to quarts For other conversions in volume, use thevolume conversion tool. ...
imperial units of the British Empire, the "U.S. customary system" measures liquid from gasoline to groceries based on a quantity of fluid ounces. To efficiently manage formulas, recipes and calculate cost, it is necessary to understand the system for converting gallons, quarts, pints and cups....
imperial units of the British Empire, the "U.S. customary system" measures liquid from gasoline to groceries based on a quantity of fluid ounces. To efficiently manage formulas, recipes and calculate cost, it is necessary to understand the system for converting gallons, quarts, pints and cups....