The practice and ethics of sexual orientation conversion therapy. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1994;62(2):221-227. 68. Bancroft J. Aversion therapy of homosexuality: a pilot study of 10 cases. Br J Psychiatry. 1969;115(529):1417-1431. 69. UCLA School of Law Williams Institute. National...
Our in-depth resource takes a deep look into what a ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ would really mean. In May 2021, the UK government announced plans toban conversion therapy. The announcement stated: “Legislation will be introduced, protecting people from the coercive and abhorrent pr...
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, and other gender diverse individuals or people with diverse sexual identities (LGBTQA+) are sometimes led to believe that they can become cisgender (i.e., a person who identifies with their gender as it was assumed at birth) and heterosexua...
A petition has been set up to ban conversion therapy, in honor of the last request of transgender teen Leelah Alcorn.
Lipoplexes with alkylphospholipid as new helper lipid for efficient in vitro and in vivo gene transfer in tumor therapy. Cancer Gene Ther. 10, 302–311 (2003). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Koehler, J. et al. Lysophospholipid micelles sustain the stability and catalytic activity of diacylglycerol...
UK Government Equalities Office National LGBT Survey: Research Report (2018) (Manchester) Google Scholar UN IESOGI, 2020 UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity [UN IESOGI] Practices of So-Called “Conversion Therapy”. A...
exploiting the presence of blood vessels surrounding the ganglion presents an opportunity to minimize photon propagation within tissues. Consequently, photothermal modulation via NIR-II fibers in proximity to the ganglion through vascular routes during interventional therapy emerges as a promising avenue for...
doi:10.1007/s10991-024-09363-zGary Wilson 0004 0368 0654Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool England, UKSpringer NetherlandsLiverpool Law Review
Cruel tactics were used to try to reverse the thoughts and feelings of ho- mosexual men and, while the world has come a long way from Na- zi Germany, in terms of conversion therapy, American practition- ers still use tactics to convert the sexual orientation of minors, sometimes against ...