SGDRMB 1000 4883.40 700 3418.38 500 2441.70 250 1220.85 100 488.34SGD to RMB converter to compare Singapore Dollars and Chinese Yuan on todays exchange rate. 1 SGD is being exchanged for 4.8834 RMB on today on December 14, 2024. This comparison is denoted as SGD/RMB = 4.8834 in currency ...
The Chinese Yuan is the currency in China (CN, CHN). The Singapore Dollar is the currency in Singapore (SG, SGP). The Chinese Yuan is also known as Yuans, RMB, and Renminbi. The symbol for CNY can be written Y. The symbol for SGD can be written S$, and SGD$. The Chinese Yuan...
(EC, ECU), Johnston Island, Midway Islands, and Wake Island. The Chinese Yuan is also known as Yuans, RMB, and Renminbi. The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar. The symbol for CNY can be written Y. The symbol for USD can be written $. ...
Exchange rates for conversion of 100 Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) today Thu, 12 Dec 2024.
Meilleures paires de devises pour les yuans chinois (RMB → CNY à USD → CNY à HKD → CNY à CAD → CNY à EUR → CNY à GBP → CNY à AUD → CNY à INR → CNY à SGD Modifier la devise de départ du Convertisseur Couronne Danoise Couronne Norvégienne Couronne Suédoise Couronne...
Meilleures paires de devises pour les yuans chinois (RMB → CNY à USD → CNY à HKD → CNY à CAD → CNY à EUR → CNY à GBP → CNY à AUD → CNY à INR → CNY à SGD Modifier la devise de départ du Convertisseur Couronne Danoise Couronne Norvégienne Couronne Suédoise Couronne...
孟加拉国 BD: PPP Conversion Factor: to Market Exchange Rate: Price Level Ratio的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 购买力平价换算系数:根据市场汇率:价格水平比 (Ratio)0.2792023年1990 - 2023 BD:国内生产总值:PPP:2011年价格:家庭最终消费支出 (百万)405,121.1182018...
SGD LKR SDG SEK TWD THB TTD TND TRY AED VEF ZMK ANG BND BOB BWP HNL KYD KZT LTL LVL MDL MKD MVR NAD NGN NIO NPR PGK PYG RSD SCR SLL SVC TZS UAH UGX UYU UZS VND YER RMB RMB to FJD Fiji Dollars currency exchange rates todayto know 1 Fiji Dollars is being exchanged for how ma...
1RMB=0.5804AED AED vs RMB ‹ › 1 RMB (Chinese Yuan Renminbi - CNY) is approximately equal to 0.5804 AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham). It is the currency of the United Arab Emirates. AED is subdivided as1 Dirham = 100 fils. The United Arab Emirates has the fastest-growing economy ...
The Chinese Yuan is the currency in China (CN, CHN). The Chinese Yuan is also known as Yuans, RMB, and Renminbi. The symbol for CNY can be written Y. The Chinese Yuan is divided into 10 jiao or 100 fen. The exchange rate for the Chinese Yuan was last updated on December 12, 2024...