Exchange rates for conversion of 1000 Vietnamese dong (VND) to U.S. Dollar (USD) today Tue, 28 Jan 2025.
VND to USD conversion aim to maintain real-time information on current market or bank exchange rates, so that the calculated result changes whenever the value of either of the component Vietnamese Dong to US Dollar do. They do so by connecting to a database of current currency VND to USD...
SGD-VND Vietnamese Dong 17,677.25 +38.308 +0.21718% SGD-ZAR South African Rand 13.704 -0.05697 -0.41402% SGD-CNY Chinese Yuan 5.2096 +0.01368 +0.26336% SGD-HUF Hungarian Forint 254.714 -0.23345 -0.09157% SGD-HKD Hong Kong Dollar 5.9157 +0.01524 +0.25827% SGD-IDR Rupiah 11,066.51 +26.106 ...