(完整版)Conversion(转换法).ppt,Conversion(转换法) Conversion of Word Classes (转换词类) Conversion of Sentence Member(转换句子成分) Conversion of Impersonal Subjects(转换非人称主语) Conversion of Perspectives(转换视角) Conversion from English N
12. The lower stretches of river shows considerable variety . 13. In order to carry through its policies of economic development, peace is necessary for China. 14. The Republicans are out , the Democrats in. Conversion of word classes: 15. Mercury weights about thirteen times as much as ...
Conversion(转换法)PPT课件 Conversion(转换法)ConversionofWordClasses(转换词类)ConversionofSentenceMember(转换句子成分)ConversionofImpersonalSubjects(转换非人称主语)ConversionofPerspectives(转换视角)ConversionfromEnglishNounsandAdjectivesintoChineseVerbsandAdverbs •Examples:•Ford'sfirstpledgewas,“Mr....
1、conversion(转换法) conversion of word classes (转换词类)conversion of sentence member(转换句子成分)conversion of impersonal subjects(转换非人称主语)conversion of perspectives(转换视角)conversion from english nouns and adjectives into chinese verbs and adverbs examples: fords first pledge was ,“mr....
This is very simple, and word and PowerPoint have their own functions of mutual conversion While opening the PowerPoint, also open word, and then in the PowerPoint Midpoint "file" - "send", which can be sent to the word, click on the OK. Word quickly converts to PPT We usually use ...
At the moment hyperlinks in PowerPoint or Word lose their screentip text when converted to PDF. Please correct this feature.To reproduce the issue in PPT: In blank presentation, insert a shape (e.g. rectangle) Right-click on the rectangle and choose "Hyperlink..."...
Conversion Awordinonelanguagebelongingtoacertainpartofspeechisnotnecessarilytobeturnedintooneofthesamepartofspeechinanotherlanguage.Usage DifferentexpressioninEnglishandChinese Forexample:verbs HeadmiresthePresident’sstateddecisiontofightforthejob. 他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。 Example(1)The...
7 65 Tool description: We can convert ppt or pptx formats into PDF, swf, HTML and other related formats we need! Just upload the file and choose a good format to convert to success! p>ppt to PDF and PPT to html Recommendation tool: ...
Conversion转译法【精选-PPT】 下载积分: 1651 内容提示: Conversion转译法• Conversion • A word in one language belonging to a certain part ofspeech is not necessarily tocertain part of speech is not necessarily to be turned into one of the same part of speech in another language. 文档...