•ft2 ↔ m2 •ft2 ↔ km2 •ft2 ↔ mi2 •ft2 ↔ ac[acre] •ft2 ↔ in2 •ft2 ↔ yd2 •ft2 ↔ cm2 •ft2 ↔ mm2 •ft2 ↔ um2 •ft2 ↔ nm2 •ft2 ↔ hm2 •ft2 ↔ dam2 •ft2 ↔ dm2 ...
•plaza ↔ m2 •plaza ↔ km2 •plaza ↔ mi2 •plaza ↔ ac[acre] •plaza ↔ ft2 •plaza ↔ in2 •plaza ↔ yd2 •plaza ↔ cm2 •plaza ↔ mm2 •plaza ↔ um2 •plaza ↔ nm2 •plaza ↔ hm2 ...
square micrometer/micron (µm2): square millimeter (mm2): square centimeter (cm2): square decimeter (dm2): square meter (m2): square decameter (dam2): square hectometer (hm2): square kilometer (km2): square megameter (Mm2): square gigameter (Gm2): square terameter (Tm2): ...
1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s)=1厘米2/秒(cm2/s) 1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030×10-2米2/秒(m2/s) 1厘斯(cSt)=10-6米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s) 动力粘度换算 动力粘度1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s)1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s) 1磅力秒/英尺2(lbf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa·s...
Convert Kilonewton Per Square Meter to Newton Per Square Millimeter (kN/m2 in N/mm2). Kilonewton Per Square Meter and Newton Per Square Millimeter both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
Convert Kilonewton Per Square Meter to Kilonewton Per Square Millimeter (kN/m2 in kN/mm2). Kilonewton Per Square Meter and Kilonewton Per Square Millimeter both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s)=1厘米2/秒(cm2/s) 1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030×10-2米2/秒(m2/s) 1厘斯(cSt)=10-6;米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s) 动力粘度换算 动力粘度1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s) 1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s) 1磅力秒/英尺2(lbf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa...
Area: mm2 cm2, m2, ha, km2, in2, ft2, ac, mi2 Mass: mcg, mg, g, kg, oz, lb, mt, t Volume: mm3, cm3, ml, l, kl, m3, km3, tsp, Tbs, in3, fl-oz, cup, pnt, qt, gal, ft3, yd3 Volume Flow Rate: mm3/s, cm3/s, ml/s, cl/s, dl/s, l/s, l/min, l/h...
Cable Length 900mm, cross section 4mm2 Connector MC4 compatible Electrical properties under STC condition Component Type:BD***P-60 280W 275W 270W 265W 260W Maximum Power (w) 280 275 270 265 260 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc/V) 38.2 38.1 37.9 37.8 37.7 M...
As a result of this modification three sub-bands of MM can be identified by agarose electrophoresis, called MM3, MM2 and MM1 in the order of increasing electrophoretic mobility towards the anode. An assay has been developed for the protein, called creatine kinase conversion factor, which catalyse...