These animals were between 4 and 6 years of age and weighed 4.5–7 kg. We monitored the daily BG and insulin intakes of these four diabetic animals for up to 3 months after STZ treatment. During this period, the exogenous insulin requirements of these diabetic NHPs ranged between 5 and...
nm^3 to yard nm^3 to minim nm^3 to cubic picometer nm^3 to gallon nm^3 to stereDefinition: LitroEl litro (símbolo l o L) es una unidad de volumen equivalente a un decímetro cúbico (0,001 m3). Su uso es aceptado en el Sistema Internacional de Unidades, aunque ya no pertenece...
Transplantation of FTLKG-transduced cells to urothelium-injured mouse bladder resulted in localization of GFP-labeled dUCs at the urothelial mucosa. (a,b) aHDFs were transduced with FTLK and GFP retroviral vectors (FTLKG) and cultured in CnT-Prime for 21 days as in Fig. 3. mRNA levels fo...
The biocrude oil produced from MW had a higher heating value (HHV) of 29.70 MJ/kg and higher energy recovery (EY% ~ 50.60%) than that from SB. Moreover, it contains high concentration of phenolic compounds, contributing to enhance its stability; however, SB biocrude oil exhibited an...
45.300kg Product Description How to choose a motor Voltage 72V or 96V or 120V Our engineer suggest you try to choose high voltage. But you can also choose the voltage according to the battery. Liquid cooling It depends on the working environment and heat ...
2 CaCl2, 10 HEPES, 5 glucose (pH 7.4) with NaOH, and osmolality adjusted to 315 mOsm kg−1with mannitol. The intracellular pipette solution contained (in mM): 144 KCl, 2 MgCl2, 5 EGTA, 10 HEPES (pH 7.2) with KOH, and osmolality of 300 mOsm kg−1with mannitol. The extracellular...
45.300kg Product Description How to choose a motor Voltage 72V or 96V or 120V Our engineer suggest you try to choose high voltage. But you can also choose the voltage according to the battery. Liquid cooling It depends on the working environment and hea...
(L/kg) of dried parchment coffee (cps) produced. This level of water consumption is extremely low compared to washing in vats with manual agitation, which requires 4.2 L/kg cps, or washing in larger-sized tanks with waterproof pumps (requires between 6 and 9 L/kg cps) or using washing ...
The UV-Vis data (Fig. 1, left) on V-ZSM-5 match with literature data and exhibit vanadium bands at 286 and 402 nm which have been previously assigned to Td and Oh V5+ 52. As reported previously, the ion exchange leads to monoionic hydroxo- or oxo-indium species at cation ...
5. Rated torque: 10 Nm6. Peak torque: 25 Nm7. Efficiency: >90%8. Dimensions: 18cm dia. 12.5cm height9. Weight: Aircooling(7.35kg);Liquid cooling (8kg)10. Cooling: air or liquid cooling Long working life (>20,000 hours)Low noise, high torqueExcel...