球-球接触模量/GPa 1.48 1.48 平行粘结刚度比 1 1 球颗粒摩擦系数 0.677 0.1~0.4 平行粘结法向强度/Pa 6e6 6e6 平行粘结切向强度/Pa 6e6 6e6 正向临界阻尼比 0.22 0.22 切向临界阻尼比 0.2 0.2 | Show Table DownLoad: CSV 3. 数值模拟结果 3.1 不同残余摩擦系数对滑坡运动堆积结果的影响 现场调查结...
et al. Mode selective Walus, K., Schulhof, G., Jullien, Gpa. rAa.m, Zehtrainc ge,xRci.t&atiWonanogf ,spWin. CwiracvuesitidneasiNgni81bFaes1e9dmoincrmosatjroirpiety. Agpatpels. Phys. Lett. 99, 162501 (2011). for applications with quantum- dot cellular automata, Signals, Systems ...
Figure 6. TST3822EN wireless static strain test and analysis system. 4.1.2. Model Pile The test pile model was constructed from a hollow aluminum alloy tube that had a wall thickness of 2 mm, a diameter of 25 mm, a length of 700 mm, and an elastic modulus of 69.5 GPa. The model...
whereEis the modulus of elasticity [GPa], d is the deflection [mm] that corresponds to the loadFandF,L,BandHare as in the previous equation. Compressive strength was tested using a universal testing machine (Model 282, VEB, Leipzig, Germany). Strength values were calculated according to Equa...
(GPa)The prefix "giga" means "1000000000", therefore is 1 gigapascal = 1000 MPa = 1000000 kPa = 1000000000 Pa = 9870 atm = 10000 bar. Pressures of some gigapascal can convert graphite to diamonds or can form from hydogenium a mtallic conductor. ...
gigapascal (GPa) The prefix "giga" means "1000000000", therefore is 1 gigapascal = 1000 MPa = 1000000 kPa = 1000000000 Pa = 9870 atm = 10000 bar. Pressures of some gigapascal can convert graphite to diamonds or can form from hydogenium a mtallic conductor. pounds per square inch (psi...
increasingpressureupto4GPa.thePLintensitydecreasedbutwasstills~ongenough.Theseresultsillustratedthewideapplications ofBBTinhightemperatureandhighpressureconditions. Keywords:BaBi4Ti4Ols;piezoelectricceramic;rareearths;up—conversion;pressure;temperature Up.conversionmaterialdopedwithlanthanideions haveattractedmuchattention...
increasingpressureupto4GPa.thePLintensitydecreasedbutwasstills~ongenough.Theseresultsillustratedthewideapplications ofBBTinhightemperatureandhighpressureconditions. Keywords:BaBi4Ti4Ols;piezoelectricceramic;rareearths;up—conversion;pressure;temperature Up.conversionmaterialdopedwithlanthanideions haveattractedmuchattention...
As shown in Figuree 11aa,,iinncciiddeennttlilgighht twwitihthlinlienaerapr oploalraizraiztiaotnioanloanlogntghethxe-axx-iasx(iEsx(-Epxo-lpaorilzaaritzioanti)opnr)oppraogpaategsaatelosnaglotnhge zth-aexzis-aaxnids aisndsciasttsecraetdtebryedabnyanaoncaynlioncdyelrinwdiethr wheitighhhteh...