在编程中,遇到“conversion from 'void' to non-scalar type 'string' requested”这类错误通常意味着你试图将一个没有返回值(即void类型)的函数或方法的输出直接赋值给一个需要具体数据类型的变量,比如string类型。下面我将根据提供的提示逐一解答你的问题: 1. 解释“void”类型在编程中的含义 在编程中,void是一...
conversion from 'LinkedList<myInt>*' to non-scalar type 'LinkedList<myInt>' requested 有可能是因为C++ new对象的写法跟java不一样: (1) LinkedList<int> *test = new LinkedList<int>(); C++中只是声明对象而未new时,写法跟java一样: (2) LinkedList<int> test...
尝试将 malloc 的结果(实际上是一个void*,因此是一个标量)转换为一个不是结构的结构。a->p也是一个指针,具有 struct s* 类型,因此错误消息意味着您的转换忘记了使目标类型成为指针类型的*。即,这是它应该是什么: a->p=(struct x*)malloc(sizeof(struct x)); 实际上,在 C 中,与 C++ 不同,您不需要...
conversion from ‘QSqlTableModel*’ to non-scalar type ‘QSqlTableModel’ requested 代码: QSqlTableModel tableModel = new QSqlTableModel(this, DB); 1. 看着提示,好像是和指针有关. 解决方法:把变量声明为指针类型: QSqlTableModel *tableModel = new QSqlTableModel(this, DB); 1. 后面对于该变...
Here is the C++ program for distance conversion,I've been lately working on. And I am getting these errors as follows. error: conversion from `DM' to non-scalar type `DB' requested error: conversion from `DM' to non-scalar type `DB' requested I tried t
根据错误提示,是类型不匹配造成的,有两种可能:1. 把一个qfont*数据赋值给了qfont数据。2. 或者是需要使用qfont类型,但是却使用了qfont类型。注意看看,是不是代码写错了。
My guess is the combination of no input tensors along with output which is array of tensors, is a format which has not been used before. Any other way to handle this? I could return a tensor but that would diverge from the return type found in Numpy. ...
"Conversion from 'Person*' to non-scalar type 'Person' requested in OMNet++ Jun 16, 2010 at 11:13pm Rosie(3) This is the function with the error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
conversion from'QString'to non-scalar type'std::string'requested also get an "issue" but doesn't seem to affect it and that is on line 25 and says Comparison betweensignedandunsignedinteger expressions Thanks in advance. Feb 16, 2013 at 1:46am ...
p2p/p2pjxta.cc:41: error: conversion from 'int' to non-scalar type 'std::_List_iterator<Neighbor*>' requested p2p/p2pjxta.cc:42: error: conversion from 'int' to non-scalar type 'std::_List_iterator<Neighbor*>' requested p2p/p2pjxta.cc:43: error: conversion from 'int' to non-...