MATLAB Online에서 열기 If a variable is not defined before, the default type isdouble. You want to accessaas a cell, so define it accordingly: a = cell(n, n);% Preallocate as a cell foru = 0:n-1 forv = 0:n-1
运行正常!y=[6.35 6.20 6.22 6.66 7.15 7.89 8.72 8.94 9.28 9.8];w=[1/6;2/6;3/6];m=length(y);n=3;for i=1:m-n+1 yhat(i)=y(i:i+n-1)*w;end yhat err=abs(y(n+1:m)-yhat(1:end-1))./y(n+1:m)T_err=1-sum(yhat(1:end-1))/sum(y(n+1...
Open in MATLAB Online Dear Programmers I have a below written code in which I want to run a logical algorithm based on parametersHPandSSwithif-else.YMis another parameter which will store the results of the logical statements.HPandSSare 2 cell-array columns which are derived fromstressarray....
Open in MATLAB Online @JanI have a similar problem but a slightly different data set. My data set is read from a strangly formated .csv file an yields a table where each cell of the table has an array. When I read one cell of the table, I get something like this but much longer....
要用{} A{1,2}=magic(3)
cell contents is yet another cell array! It's a cell array of 111 rows of cells by 6 columns of cells. So when you say A{1,1}(:,4), you're taking all the rows in column 4 of that 6 column cell array. So now you have a column vector...
t=t+std2(B(i,j));这句有错 改为 t=t+std2(B{i,j})同理 下面的if std2(B(m,n))<t改为if std2(B{m n})注意 B(i,j)表示的是一个元胞 B{i,j}表示的是元胞中的元素 由于没有你的图片,没有检验过,不知道还是否有其他错误 ...
"Conversion to cell from double is not possible." I've tried drinking several cups of coffee but that hasn't helped either. I assume I am missing { } somewhere but I just can't figure out where. num2cell seems to work but it's not very elegant. ...
Matlab数据类型及转换(Matlabdatatypeandconversion) Matlabdatatypeandconversion(2011-05-1615:10:59) Label:miscellaneous:memos InMatlab,thereare15basicdatatypes,mainlyinteger, floatingpoint,logic,character,dateandtime,structure array,cellarray,andfunctionhandle. 1.Integraltype:(int8;uint8;int16;uint16;int...
i,j)=[...]; 和上一段正常的程序中seg(row,col) = {A(...)};看出问题了吧。改成V(i,j)={[...]}; 或者V{i, j} = [...]; 也是可以的。因为V(i,j)是一个cell,不能赋给它一个矩阵。M = [...]; 之所以是正确的是因为M这样就被定义成了一个矩阵。自然毫无问题。