In case of conversion disorder people have some complication like person delay seeking treatment; their symptoms aren't clearly linked to stress and come on slowly, or don't improve quickly, more-serious psychiatric conditions along with conversion disorder. When you or someone you know has symptom...
Trauma, particularly childhood sexual trauma and blood flow issues in the brain may also be causes of the disorder. Treatment includes psychological and physical therapy. Read Conversion Disorder: Definition, Causes and Treatment Lesson Recommended for You Video: Hysteria | History, Symptoms & Examples...
1999 . Conversion disorder: A case report of treatment with the Main Puteri, a Malay shamanistic healing ceremony. Journal of the European Psychiatrist , 14(2): 470–472.Razali, S. M. (1999). Conversion disorder: A case report of treatment with the main Puteri, a Malay shamanastic ...
Conversion disorderNon-epileptiformPTSDMyoclonic jerkingChild abuse in PTSDPTSD and history of child abuseSome of the most difficult patients to treat are those that require investments of our time, those that challenge our beliefs and require a review of our countertransference. Patients with ...
Innovative treatment approach combats conversion disorder Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior LetterCampo, John V.Negrini, Barbara J.
Cognitive rehabilitation treatment (CRT) has been described in patients with brain injury, but it has not been attempted in cases of cognitive dysfunction without organic cause. This case report describes CRT of neurocognitive impairment in a 54-year-old female patient with conversion disorder (CD)...
Conversion disorder refers to functional bodily impairments that can be precipitated by high stress situations including trauma and surgery. Symptoms of conversion disorder may mimic or complicate otolaryngology diseases in the pediatric population. In t
had long protested these cruel and scientifically dubious forms of “treatment,” but the concept that homosexuality was a disease was accepted by the majority of the medical establishment. This included the American Psychiatric Association, which considered homosexuality to be a psychiatric disorder. ...
1A). However, aged mice showed a reduced muscle weight of the gastrocnemius, anterior tibialis, and soleus muscles, which melatonin treatment significantly improved (Fig. 1B–D). Histological analysis revealed that aged mice had a diminished muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and smaller average ...
( 2003 ) A randomized controlled clinical trial of a hypnosis-based treatment for patients with conversion disorder, motor type . Int J Clin Exp Hypn 51 : 29 – 50 .Moene FC, Spinhoven P, Hoogduin KA, van Dyck R. A randomized controlled clinical trial of a hypnosis-based treatment for...