modern estimates of glomerular filtration rate. TheMDRD equation, used to calculate "eGFR", was originally developed using a conventional serum creatinine assay and later was republished using IDMS-based values. The update to MDRD, called theCKD-EPI equation, exclusively relies on IDMS-based values...
Secondary safety endpoints included: the mean change from baseline in estimated creatinine clearance (Cockcroft-Gault) and eGFR; incidence of any opportunistic infection or malignancy within 12 months; the proportion of patients with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) ≥6.5%; change from baseline in HbA1c; chan...
(conversion from MMF to everolimus). We found that the patient’s age and BKV viremia load were significantly higher in the everolimus-converted group than in the MMF-reduced-dose group. In addition, the eGFR at the time of BKV infection diagnosis in the everolimus group tended to be lower...