Kilowatts (kW)to horsepower (hp)powerconversion: calculator and how to convert. Enter thepowerinkilowattsand press theConvertbutton: Kilowatts:kW =Convert×Reset⇅Swap Imperial/Mechanical horsepower:hp(I) Electrical horsepower:hp(E) Metric horsepower:hp(M) ...
Convert kilowatts to horsepower (kW to hp) with the power conversion calculator, and learn the kilowatt to horsepower formula.
metric hp and US mechanical h.p. depending on particular product. The hp unit can also have some national abbreviations: "pk", "CV", "PS" or "ch" all these translated to "hp" in English.This online calculator provides conversion of KilowattstoHorsepowerand backwardsHorsepower to kW. ...
horsepower depending on particular marketed product. The unit can have different abbreviations -for example "CV", "PS", "pk" or "ch" but all translated to "horse power" or "hp" in English language.This online calculator provides conversion of horsepowerto kWand backwardskilowatts to hp. ...
Horsepower (hp) tokilowatts (kW)powerconversion: calculator and how to convert. Select horsepower unit type, enter the power in horsepower and press theConvertbutton: Hp unit type:Imperial/Mechanical horsepowerElectrical horsepowerMetric horsepower ...
Then, multiply the power measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement. kilowatts × conversion factor = result You can also use a calculator, such as one of theconverters below, for the conversion. ...
功、能和热量转换换算 焦耳(J) 公斤·米(kg·m) 米制马力·时(PS·h) 英制马力·时(HP·h) 千瓦·时(kW·h) 千卡(kcal) 英热单位(Btu) 英尺·磅(ft·lb) 7 3 4 2 0 2 Tool description: Conversion of Work, Energy and Heat Recommendation tool: ...
Automatic calculator for power units Kilowatt kW, Megawatt MW, Gigawatt GW, horsepower hp, kilocalorie Calorie per second, BTU per hour, BTU per second, calories per second, erg per second, foot pound per second ft-lbf/s, milliwatt mW, watt W joules per
Kilo- watts (kW) Mechanic horsepower (hp(I)) Electric horsepower (hp(E)) Metric horsepower (hp(M)) 0.001 kW 0.001341 hp 0.001340 hp 0.001360 hp 0.002 kW 0.002682 hp 0.002681 hp 0.002719 hp 0.003 kW 0.004023 hp 0.004021 hp 0.004079 hp 0.004 kW 0.005364 hp 0.005362 hp 0.005438 hp 0.005 ...
Convert Kilowatts To Horsepower (kW to HP Calculator) Watt Hours To Amp Hours Conversion (Wh To Ah): Calculator + Chart Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit (°C to °F): Calculator, Chart, Equation Battery Life Calculator: How Long Does A Battery Last? (Ah, V, Hours) ...