Click on United States Dollars or Euros to convert between that currency and all other currencies. Euro (EUR) United States Dollar (USD) <== Swap currencies ==><== Swap currencies ==> Other countries and currencies The Euro is the currency in Andorra (AD, AND), Austria (AT, AUT)...
1 EUR to EUR Online Currency Converter (Calculator). Convert 1 Euros to Euros with real time Forex rates based on up-to-the-second interbank exchange rates.
Pesos uruguayens en euros Convertissez des UYU en EUR au taux de change réel Montant UYU Converti en EUR $U1,000 UYU = €0,02218 EUR Taux de change moyen du marché à 20:58 Suivre le taux de changeNous ne pouvons pas envoyer d'argent entre ces devises Nous y travaillons. Inscrivez...
1 EUR to PLN Online Currency Converter (Calculator). Convert 1 Euros to Zloty with real time Forex rates based on up-to-the-second interbank exchange rates.
Por ejemplo, la moneda dinámica puede definirse como dólares norteamericanos (USD) y la tabla de hechos puede almacenar las transacciones en euros (EUR), dólares australianos (AUD) y pesos mexicanos (MXN). Este tipo de conversión convierte estas transacciones de las monedas locales especifica...
In the above example , you get a string which looks like "{lhs: "1 U.S. dollar",rhs: "0.838574423 Euros",error: "",icc: true}" . You can easily explode() the string using php and extract the required data . To make things easier for you , here is a simple php function that...
Convertissez 50 CNY en EUR à l'aide du Convertisseur de devises Wise. Analysez les tableaux montrant l'historique des devises ou les taux actuels yuans chinois (rmb) / euros et recevez des alertes de taux gratuites directement sur votre e-mail.
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please convert my dollars to euros I need a local branch to convert my dollars to euros, coz am going to italy mamalai helpful I like the fact that the conversion chart shows exchange rates for your particular money into several diferent currencies at once. This is very helpful when I am...
1 CNH to EUR Online Currency Converter (Calculator). Convert 1 Yuan to Euros with real time Forex rates based on up-to-the-second interbank exchange rates.