It is equal to a millilitre (ml). The colloquial abbreviations cc and ccm are not SI but are common in some contexts. It is a verbal shorthand for "cubic centimetre". For example 'cc' is commonly used for denoting displacement of car and motorbike engines "the Mini Cooper had a 1275 ...
The answer is 1000. We assume you are converting betweencubic centimetreandlitro. You can view more details on each measurement unit:cu cmorlitroThe SI derived unit forvolumeis the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 1000000 cu cm, or 1000 litro. Note that rounding errors may occur, ...
Square footsqft Square milesqmi Acreacre Distance Millimetermm Centimetercm Meterm Kilometerkm Inchin Footft Yardyd Milemile Liquid volume MillilitremL LitreL Teaspoontsp Tablespoontbsp Cupcup Gallongal Fluid ouncefloz Mass (/ Weight) Gramg
For more conversions, check out the table below. CUP, TABLESPOON and TEASPOON to MILILITERS (cup to ml) 1 cup = 16 tablespoons = 48 teaspoons = 240 ml 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons = 36 teaspoons = 180 ml 2/3 cup = 11 tablespoons = 32 teaspoons = 160 ml 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons ...
Typically, one litre of cell supernatant from prion-infected S7 cells yielded 2-3 millilitres of concentrated exosomal pellet with an infectious titre of 107.88 Tissue culture infectious units (TCIU)/ml. Cell curing assay Effects of small molecule inhibitors on the prion steady-state levels were ...
and preferably between 0.2 h−1 and 10 h−1 and advantageously between 0.1 h−1 or 0.5 h−1 and 5.0 h−1, and a hydrogen flow rate advantageously between 100 and 2000 litres of hydrogen per litre of charge and preferably between 150 and 1500 litres of hydrogen per litre of char...
to produce more than 18 g of biomass per litre of media with a high content of carotenoids (10.757 ± 1.007 mg/g of CDW inR. kratochvilovaeand 10.514 ± 1.520 mg/g of CDW inR. toruloides, respectively). The overall results prove that combining different waste substrates is a promising op...