i know we usually put adverb after first auxilliary as in“…have previously been found…” BUT i often find the following writing everywhere“…have been previously found…” does it have slightly different meaning? are both grammatically correct? if that’s so, which one should i prefer? ge...
Maybe I’m really a little shy, but i’m trying to overcome this. :) I TRY TO TALK TO PEOPLE, BUT THEY’RE SO BORING, THAT’S WHY I LOVE READ BOOKS, THEY HAVE A DEEPING MEANING! and yet i’m afraid to make a mistake :( DaryMar ...
Q:is this book in available in hindi languge A:No, all the situational conversations are in english. AnonymousCertified Buyer 0 0 Report Abuse Q:in this book, which language to converting to English? A:Nothing is getting translated in this book. Everything is given in english. AnonymousCerti...
This went on till 2003. I realized I had invested 2 years in MBBS entrance prep and now the pressure was mounting. But when life takes over nothing else is important. One beautiful morning, out of nowhere I saw this best colleges of India edition in June, 2003 . I quickly turned the ...
2025年公共英语考点真题库 [单项选择题]Where does this conversation take place 关键词: Where place conversation A.In a post office. B.In a hotel. C.In a bank D.In a school. 本题来源:2018年宁夏公共英语考试真题卷(5) 查看最佳答案和解析...
One test which often separates machines and human is how well a machine is able to understand the text and its meaning. The task of sentence completion is still one of the hardest problems in natural language processing. Making a machine understand what is written is a tremendous task. ...
To a Chinese, English is not so easy to learn. I have met many difficulties in the past seven years in learning English. But I1overcome them and made much progress. I can well remember the spelling and meaning of the words are the first difficulty I met as a2. But I found out my ...