你好,很高兴为解答 “Warning:convergence not achieved”这个就是说没有找到稳定的最优的估计值 如果有这个提示的话一般来说结果是不能使用的,需要重新正确的估计 导致这个信息的可能性很多。有些时候并不一定是你做错了什么 可以试试只用一部分数据估计,或者使用不同的起始值,或者改变最优化的方法什...
3. 解决 "convergence not achieved" 错误的建议方法 检查数据: 清理数据,去除异常值和缺失值。 检查数据的分布和范围,确保它们符合模型的假设。 调整模型: 简化模型,减少参数数量。 尝试不同的模型设定,如改变链接函数或分布类型。 调整初始值,为迭代过程提供一个更好的起点。 增加计算资源: 如果可能,使用更...
广义估计方程分析结果中convergence not achieved是集合没有实现的意思
aIf convergence is not achieved, calculate the values of the tear variables for the next iteration and go back to step 3. 如果汇合没有达到,计算泪花可变物的价值为下叠代并且去回到第3步。[translate]
In this FAQ, we assume that you are not getting the “convergence not achieved” error message becausextgeehas performed the maximum number of iterations. If that limit is being reached, you should try specifying a higher number in theiterate()option ofxtgeeor increase the maximum number of ...
if convergence was not achieved. Looking up the manual entry for -maximize- shows that usually the result is stored in the scalar e(converged). But it seems like this is nor the case for -tssmooth hw- since -ereturn list- doesn't give an results. One idea I have is to store the "...
aAs a result, the BR method can guarantee that all tasks achieved simultaneous utility optimisation. 结果,增殖比方法可能保证所有任务达到了同时公共优化。[translate] aI can give you a phone number you? 我可以给您电话号码您?[translate] aI applied for three schools and they are Father Lopez 我申请...
广义估计方程分析结果中convergence not achieved是集合没有实现的意思
proc genmod data = eyestudy;class carrot id;model lenses = carrot/ dist = poisson link = log;repeated subject = id/ type = unstr;estimate 'Beta' carrot 1 -1/ exp;*步骤输RR值;run;