As simple as this situation is, it offers a good example of Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning at the preconventional level, stage 2. The player is not obeying the rule because their individual desire to score was more prominent in that moment than doing the intrinsically right thing. Chi...
Lawrence Kohlberg was an American psychologist most known for his theory of moral development. According to Kohlberg, people progress through three levels of moral development where they learn moral reasoning and how to make moral judgements. The order of these stages is the preconventional stage, ...
Conventional level is the second stage in Kohlberg's stages of development which explains the development of moral judgment and ethical reasoning in individuals. Kohlberg built on the theories of Piaget to develop six distinct stages (three stages with two substages each) that show the progression ...
The well-documented relationship between political orientation and moral reasoning has most often been interpreted in terms of the influence of level of moral development (cf. Kohlberg, 1984) upon an individual's political inclinations: those who have reached the conventional level (or stage 4) in...
13.Beijing Female Higher Normal College:An Unconventional Case of Higher Education高等教育创办的非常规个案:北京女子高等师范学校 14.Educational regularity" and"About educational regularity;“教育规律”与“关于教育的规律” 15.The higher education is the third stage of book learning, which is usually obt...
Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements Appendix A. Data construction Appendix B. Variable’s information/details Appendix C. Supplementary tables for first stage regressions. Appendix D. Robustness checks. ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (36) Tables (22) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Tabl...
Countries such as China and India, for example, spend a lot of time looking after their neighbourhood and that takes resources and attention away from the global stage. So we have a situation where neither the West nor the emerging powers can run lead the world on their own. They have to...
[37], the first stage of framework development is the breakdown of the target into sub-targets. As noted in the main text, this cannot be achieved simply by splitting it directly into two blocks (all learners acquire the knowledge needed to promote sustainable development, and all learners ...
Effects of Hybrid and Grain Maturity Stage on the Ruminal Degradation and the Nutritive Value of Maize Forage for Silage. Agriculture 2020, 10, 251. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional ...