fast fi11ing operations used in the reconstruction of conveic1attice sets 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 103 作者:S Brunetti,A Daurat,A Kuba 摘要: Filling operations are procedures which are used in Discrete Tomography for the reconstruction of lattice sets having some convexity constraints. In ...
数列卷积的运算法则?比如说求两个长度不等的序列x1=[1,2,3];x2=[2,4,3,5]的卷积 通过matlab卷积函数x3=conv(x1,x2),得到的结果时x3=2 8 17 23 19 15 我想知道x3到底是怎么计算出来的?求大侠赐教··· 答案 长度为m的向量序列u和长度为n的向量序列v,卷积w的向量序列长度为(m+n-1),当m≠...
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