“controls the dts audio”占内存的问题通常是因为dts audio设置默认开机自动启动,并在后台持续运行占用资源。以下是一些可能的解决方案: 关闭dts audio的开机自启动项: 你可以通过系统的启动项管理工具,或者使用像金山毒霸这样的系统优化软件,来检测和关闭dts audio的开机自启动。 卸载并重新安装音频驱动程序: 打开设...
DtsApo4Service的进程Controls the DTS audio processing object.内存占用极高,最近几天发现都是占用500...
However I noticed louder fan noise and it is because the "Controls the DTS audio processing object." task is constantly eating up around 15% of CPU usage (see screenshot). I tracked down the process and it is from DtsApo4Service.exe in System 32 -> DTS -> PC -> APO4x fo...
https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Gaming-Notebooks/quot-Controls-the-DTS-audio-processing-object-quot-ta... Regards. BH *** **Click theKUDOSthumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'** Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply'Accept...
就会看见很多启动项,把前面的勾去掉,然后确定。100%能解决你的问题,重启后会默认跳出个对话框,你点击不用再提示对话框就可以了。这个方式适用于非流氓启动项,国内很多软件都流氓,如果你想禁止其他的软件开机启动,这个方式不一定能用。。。dts audio是声卡的默认启动项,这个不流氓所以能改动。
control the DTS audio占用过高 教你设置 #游戏本 #电脑知识 #电脑 - 宏碁acer官方旗舰店于20240507发布在抖音,已经收获了31.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
- Great audio. - Good microphone when compared to other wireless headsets in it's prince range. Cons: - Forced to use MSI center to check battery % and doesn't show the % while charging - While muted, it just lights a LED on the headset, so I have to check if it's muted or ...
I have searched for some info on it (if it was planned etc) but found nothing, so: please add Android Wear support!! (the basic media player controls...