Bateman EJ, Baggs EM (2005) Contributions of nitrification and denitrification to N2O emissions from soils at different water-filled pore space. Biol Fertil Soils 41:379–388. Article CAS Google Scholar Bergaust L, Bakken Lars R, Frostegård Å...
the prefactor can be estimated from Spells50, who gatheredN = 15 humans, dogs, and cats from previous workers across a decade of body mass. Using Fig. 7 of Spells’ work, we extrapolate the data points to findI = 7.84M−1/2 Pa L−1 s−2. Combining these powe...
complete translation into English of this unique work on dream interpretation, coming to us from an early "professional" of this ancient art. Moreover the translation has been enriched by Professor White's in depth commentary on the text and on the vast Greek and Roman culture ofArtemidorus'...