ControllingasaManagementFunction •Controlling •Aprocessofmonitoringperformanceandtakingactiontoensuredesiredresults.•therightthingshappen,intherightways,andattherighttime.•Ensuresthattheoveralldirectionsofindividualsandgroupsareconsistentwithshortandlongrangeplans.•Ensurethatobjectivesandaccomplishmentsare...
Some attributes of controlling as management function are as follows: Controlling is a continuous process. It is flexible and dynamic process. It is future oriented. Planning and controlling are closely related. Main essence of control is action. For Effective Control System, controls need to focus...
aControlling is the management function of monitoring operations to see if the firm is achieving its goals. Controlling involves: (1) setting standards of performance, (2) measuring actual performance against the standards, and (3) taking corrective action when significant deviations exist. 控制是监...
Organizing as a process involves: Identification of activities. Classification of grouping of activities. Assignment of duties. Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility. Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships. Know more about - Organizing Function of Management Staffing It is ...
Controlling: The process of monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. The Importance of Controlling in Management Controlling plays a significant role in management for numerous reasons, including: ...
Answer to: The managerial function of ... is regulating the work of those for whom a manager is responsible. A) directing B)...
According to Brech,“Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate progress and also recording such experience as is gained as a contribution to possible future needs.”...
2011. Personal controlling as a management tool for library staff in the example of selected Polish libraries. Library Management 32(6/7): 457-468.Personal controlling as a management tool for library staff in the example of selected Polish libraries[J] . Jolanta Laskowska.Library Management . ...
Staffing is the function of hiring and retaining a suitable work-force for the enterprise both at managerial as well as non-managerial levels. It involves theprocess of recruiting, training, developing, compensating and evaluating employees and maintaining this workforce with proper incentives and motiv...
The budget is basically an estimation of the costs to be incurred in the future based on the projected revenue and sales. A budget gives the view towards the expected future costs. Answer and Explanation:1 Option C. Controlling The ...