集成时将 React-Hook-Form RadioGroup 放在哪里。以以下两个代码片段为例。 <Grid xs={12}> <Controller name="gender" control={control} rules={{required: "Gender is required."}} render={({field}) => ( <FormControl {...field} error={!!errors.gender}> <FormLabel error={false}>Gender<...
</>useFormState </> ErrorMessage </>useFieldArray Controller: Component React Hook Form embraces uncontrolled components and native inputs, however it's hard to avoid working with external controlled component such as React-Select, AntD and MUI. This wrapper component will make it easier for yo...
First, the lib is very cool!! Thanks! My problem is in set the rule in Controller: {{ required: needRegister, min: 3 }} The property rules of Controller does not not react to needRegister Codesandbox link (Required) Controller Template E...
{ useController, useForm } from "react-hook-form"; function Input({ control, name }) { const { field, fieldState: { invalid, isTouched, isDirty }, formState: { touchedFields, dirtyFields } } = useController({ name, control, rules: { required: true }, }); return ( <TextField ...
FormItem: React.FC<FormItemProps> = (props) => { const { name, children, size, rules, defaultValue = '', label, control, } = props; return ( <div style={{ padding: '6px 0' }}> <Controller name={name} control={control} rules={rules} defaultValue={defaultValue} render={({ fiel...
Each of inputs is wrapped in Controller with own validating rules. I'm going to serve value of this inputs in one field in react-hook-form state Steps to reproduce Choose 'link' in select Write any text in input below. Text except for valid url Submit form See error 'Invalid url' ...
在传统的 class 中,会使用 componentDidMount 和 componentDidUpdate 获取数据。同时 componentDidMount ...
Form; 然后创建 TabContents,以便我最终可以将数据写入表单状态:import React, { memo, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useController } from 'react-hook-form'; const Feature = ({ tabName }) => { console.log('rendering tab', tabName); --> changes just fime const { field: { value,...
xml中的textView中设置android:drawableLeft: <TextView android:id="@+id/bookTitle" android:...