综述类,讨论了控制器作为一个故障点的问题。控制器之间的同步机制以及主备控制器的切换; Response Time and Availability Study of RAFT Consensus in Distributed SDN Control Plane IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2018 问题:单控制器不可靠; 并且,对于强一致性的分布式协议(RAFT),提交每个...
多节点选主的实现方法见leaderelection.go。它实现了两种资源锁(Endpoint 或 ConfigMap,kube-controller-manager和cloud-controller-manager都使用 Endpoint锁),通过更新资源的Annotation(control-plane.alpha.kubernetes.io/leader)来确定主从关系。2、高性能 从Kubernetes 1.7开始,所有需要监控资源变化情况的调用均推荐...
PLANE DISPLAY CONTROLLERPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a plane display controller which makes it easy to change functions and uses and cut off electron waves and lowers the production cost.CHUL-HO LIM林哲鎬SOO-YEN LIM林秀▲妍▼
airplane controller pcAircraft Controllerairplane controller for mobilemobile airplaneairplane mobileplane mobileairplane controllerairplane shooterflying controllerairplaneairplane shootingmobile airplane controlleraircraftcraft mobileaircraft shooting Report this asset ...
Change whether to request plane data from the observer followed by clearing existing observations and requesting an update C++ public:voidToggleGeneratePlanes(); Applies to 產品版本 MRTK2 Unity 20182.6.0, 2.7.0 MRTK2 Unity 20192.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0 ...
10. The adaptive quantization controller also modifies a data field in the enhancement layer video data to cause the video streaming receiver to assign a higher decoding priority to the shifted bit plane. 该自适应量化控制器还修改在该增强层视频数据中的一个数据区,以便使得该视频数据流接收机把一个...
多节点选主的实现方法见leaderelection.go。它实现了两种资源锁(Endpoint 或 ConfigMap,kube-controller-manager 和 cloud-controller-manager 都使用 Endpoint 锁),通过更新资源的 Annotation(control-plane.alpha.kubernetes.io/leader),来确定主从关系。 1.7 高性能 ...
180 Iceplane7965 @161Kaka161 Just use throttle and yaw +1 9 months ago 0 161Kaka161 How to use this +6 11 months ago 45 KIMJAEGYU I can use it Make the USS Beast Speed increased to 2000 kmh😁😁 +1 one year ago 142 HikariZokinerfar i was going with uss beast...
There are two main types of flight controllers: one is more plane-oriented, while the other is more multirotor-oriented. This doesn’t mean you can’t use a plane FC on a multirotor or vice versa, but you will likely face more challenges. It’s best to choose the correct type of FC...