Describe the bug I'm working on a React project using react-hook-form along with the Controller component to manage a form with Select components. However, I'm running into some issues: Initial Form Submission: When I submit the form wit...
CheckBox 或 Select 集成时将 React-Hook-Form RadioGroup 放在哪里。以以下两个代码片段为例。 <Grid xs={12}> <Controller name="gender" control={control} rules={{required: "Gender is required."}} render={({field}) => ( <FormControl {...field} error={!!errors.gender}> <FormLabel erro...
{control} name="test" render={({ field: { onChange, onBlur, value, name, ref }, fieldState: { invalid, isTouched, isDirty, error }, formState, }) => ( <Checkbox onBlur={onBlur} // notify when input is touched onChange={onChange} // send value to hook form checked={value} ...
Source File: SwitchElement.tsx From react-hook-form-mui with MIT License 6 votes export default function SwitchElement({ name, control, ...other }: SwitchElementProps) { return ( <FormControlLabel control={ <Controller name={name} control={control} render={({ field }) => <Switch {.....
const { field: input } = useController({ name: 'test' }) const { field: checkbox } = useController({ name: 'test1' }) <input {...input} /> <input {...checkbox} /> Thank you for your support If you find React Hook Form to be useful in your project, please consider to sta...
</form> ); }; export default Form; 然后创建 TabContents,以便我最终可以将数据写入表单状态:import React, { memo, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useController } from 'react-hook-form'; const Feature = ({ tabName }) => { console.log('rendering tab', tabName); --> changes ...
xml中的textView中设置android:drawableLeft: <TextView android:id="@+id/bookTitle" android:...
Version Number 7.52.0 Codesandbox/Expo snack Steps to reproduce Create a form with two form fields "test" and "test_with_suffix" and with the mode "onBlur" C...
const { field: input } = useController({ name: 'test' }) const { field: checkbox } = useController({ name: 'test1' }) <input {...input} /> <input {...checkbox} /> Thank you for your support If you find React Hook Form to be useful in your project, please consider to star...