Underwater drilling and blasting is conducted for deepening of sea channels for port berths, lake or\nreservoirs for water supply etc. so that rock dredging becomes easier. During this process there are\nseveral associated unwanted effects having potential to cause damage to surrounding structures ...
控制爆破(Controlled Blasting Techniques)控制爆破 控制爆破:主要是定向,定 距离和定量的爆破。Controlledblasting:mainlyoriented,blastingdistanceandquantitative 主要工艺流程 1:轮廓线钻眼发2:缓冲爆破法3:光面爆破法 轮廓线钻眼法(Linedrilling)它是沿设计的隧道开挖轮廓线钻凿紧密相邻的炮眼,这些炮眼内不装炸药,...
Sibymining is India’s leading controlled blasting mats expert. Our services are blasting mats, excavation contracts, and vibration analysis.
thecontrol blastingtechnology is of great significance in reducing roof rock damage and cutting down ore dilution.针对缓倾斜极薄矿脉开采贫化率大、出矿困难和顶板安全性差等问题,在该类型矿脉的开采中采用控制爆破技术取得了良好的效果,而合理的选择爆破参数可最大限度地减少爆破对顶板岩石的破坏、降低...
Automatically controlled rock drilling apparatusTohru MashimoTakashi NishioOsamu Satoh
An experimental study of deep borehole pre-cracking blasting for gas pre-drainage on a mine heading roadway in a low permeability seam Coal and gas outburst is the phenomenon that it sprays a large number of coal (rock) from coal and rock layer to the mining space within a very short tim...
Study on energy evolution and crack propagation of rock mass under single hole uncoupled charge blasting In drilling and blasting operation, uncoupled charge structure is widely used in pre-split blasting, smooth blasting, pressure relief blasting and other co......
increasedby66%.Inthefirst15days,thecumulativepumpedgaswas 1.93timesofblastingbefore.Theaverageabsolutegasemissiondecreasedby63.46%。 ExperimentaIresultsshowthatdeep.holecontrolledpre-splitingblastingnotonlyprevents coalandgasoutburst,butalsogivesgoodeconomicresults. Keywords coalandgasoutburst,methane-drainage,pore...
Protocols for the hierarchically controlled teleportation of an arbitrary single-qubit via a four-qubit χ state and a four-qubit cluster state have been proposed. We present a protocol for the hierarchically controlled teleportation of an arbitrary m-qudit (d-dimensional quantum system) state by ...
In ADWVR, virtual rails, which are defined as moving trajectories, and the control strategies for vehicles are planned synergistically. With the support of enhanced ICSC, vehicles can be tracked and controlled along the virtual rail in real time through a cellular network. In this paper, the ...