BIND Therapeutics and AstraZeneca demonstrate ability to fine-tune drug release kinetics for AZD2811 ACCURINS® without altering polymer or active pharmaceutical ingredient 19 May 2016 What Can’t Be Preserved in Silk? Unlike draping yourself in velvet, which is not socially acceptable, silk remains...
Singapore, Singapore: Springer Nature; 2018. p. 239–63. Chapter Google Scholar Van Der Heggen T, Buyle F, Claus B, Somers A, Schelstraete P, De Paepe P, Vanhaesebrouck P, De Cock P. Vancomycin dosing and therapeutic drug monitoring practices: guidelines versus real-life. Int J ...
Knowledge and perception of a sample of Singapore anaesthetists towards controlled drug security and abuseUnderstanding how the brain controls behaviour is undisputedly one of the grand goals of neuroscience research, and the pursuit of this goal has a long tradition in insect neuroscience. However, ...
Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Minden, Penang, Malaysia Christian P. Müller Institute of Psychopharmacology, Central Institute of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Christian P. Müller Contributions KL, LK, and JK de...
The primary efficacy analysis was performed in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population, defined as any randomized patient who received drug and had at least one postbaseline efficacy assessment, using a linear mixed model (LMM) with the OCI score as the outcome that included treatment, assessment,...
The management of anti-tuberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2001;5(1):65–9. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Teleman MD, Chee CB, Earnest A, Wang YT. Hepatotoxicity of tuberculosis chemotherapy under general programme conditions in Singapore. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. ...
In addition, researchers from the National University of Singapore, which is not an implementing organization, will conduct regular supervision and interim analyses to ensure adherence to the study protocol. Relevant concomitant care permitted or prohibited during the trial Due to the trial’s nature...
In assessing the magnitude of the effect on the neuropsycho- logical tests, it is important to distinguish between the level of deficits within a disorder, the effect size following treatment (pretreatment vs posttreatment), and between- group effect size (drug–placebo). In line with this, ...
National Ethics Committee for Health Research; NMCHC, National Maternal and Child Health Center; MCH, maternal and child health; NUS-SSHSPH, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health of the National University of Singapore; UHS, University of Health Sciences; VHSG, village health volunteer group. ...
Consequently, developing a cancer-specific sono-activatable strategy to precisely control drug activity and minimize off-target toxicity is highly desired. We herein report the development of a catalytical nano-immunocomplex for remote-controlled sono-metabolic checkpoint trimodal cancer therapy (Fig. 1)...