system of regulation-the propnetors of false passports, m a s , marnage and birth certl- Barth Control R m w ficates, and ident~tycards has become a regular and means of self-support wluch shall leave them a busmess, as has also the procurmg of &cml blank margm of comfort and...
2. The method of claim 1, wherein: the periodically receiving of the financial account data related to the financial account from the financial system includes receiving the financial account data on a nightly basis using the bank record feed; and the generating the accounting data related to th...
TFAA) were detected in tap water samples from a major city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Wastewater discharge from an industrial company was later identified as the source of the contamination to bank filtrate which was used to produce tap water. Extended monitoring...
There are two underlying questions: 1) is the testing performance and throughput achieved by SRM sufficient regarding all requirements of routine analysis and 2) is SRM a cost effective technique. The question should even be formulated differently as it is first necessary to distinguish between two...
We used a system detailed under "Recipient database abstraction", in Text S1, to randomly select 1204 farmers, 551 amenity managers and 504 householders from across England, Scotland and Wales as survey recipients. Contacts were posted to the 2259 recipients as follows: (1) 21 June 2007 pre...