The concept explaining step by step through assembly language involving 8085 instruction set. The various timings used for different signals will also be discussed. This method of concepts can be use for the development in the field of microprocessorstrong./strongP. Hariharan...
Each of the controller boards preferably includes an Intel 8085 microprocessor with suitable Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM). Also interconnected to the CPM control board is a Master Memory Board (MMB) 84 with suitable ROMs to control normal machine operation and a control...
Application of Fuzzy Controller to Automobile Speed Control System An algorithm to compute the values of manipulated variable on the microprocessor (Intel 8085) is developed in order to make a real time speed control of autombile. We discuss the results of road test of automobile (TOYOPET CROWN...
Selection of the active emitter. Based on ground commands, the DPU has to set the control signals for the respective switches. Control of heater power and high voltage for the active emitter including ramp-up and ramp-down. Housekeeping data collection. On-board health and safety monitoring.3.6...
The paper describes a microprocessor based measured value acquisition system for sampling digital and analoguous signals with an upper limiting frequency of 30 kHz. Parallel to the sampling of measured data, data control and data reduction are performed. During the short sampling period that is ...
A vertical column of photocells in the back of the casing provides signals which determine the length of the stem. This length measuring device (10) is linked to the input/output interface (14) which is itself connected to a microprocessor, e.g. an Intel 8085, (40), via a RAM (44)...