4.Ctrl+Shift+C召唤出控制台,输入npcc.settings,回车。然后你就会看见目前这个mod的默认设定。5.根据自己的需要,改变或保持原有设定。默认设定是这样的,1表示是,0表示否:{"UseOnlyHomeless":1, "UseOnlyUnplayedHouseholds":1, "DisableUseOnlyHomelessForNormalCareer":1, "UseOnlyUnplayedHouseholdsPets":1, "...
for my elder sims to pass on from old age I will be moving them to a care home that I built and then I will turn on only active household aging on for them but if my household is full of elders they can't have any cats or dogs to get to the death of old age for pets. This...
would it be possible to instead of removing the sim icon completely to make it unselectable like pets so you can still see what mood the sims is in through the icon? or would that cause incompatibility with selectable pets? I think this could be possible, but wouldn't this be a bit poi...
Tehfiersct oncept plareyseerntStMhePmmetohored ftoavfaobrraicbaltee tthoeaSbMsPorabdihnegsivdeysnaanmd tihcesatdrehsessi,ohnigfohrcsehmoecaks,uarenmdenetnergy is pinroSceedcutiroenin4S,ewcthioinch2.iTshseimmielcahratnoictshaet tchoenacdehpetsiovef vinitsecrofaecleaustpiocnacdohmepsoivsietison...
Control experiments were carried out at a 0 nM Cd concentration, and—unless otherwise specified (i.e., in Supplementary Figure S1)—the bioluminescence responses measured at 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 nM Cd concentrations were systematically corrected for the 0 nM reference data by simple point-by...
Design and Operation of the VIFC Strategy in Islanded Micro-Grid Reconsidering the system topology described in Section 2, the PV array connected with the boost converter is added as the front stage of the PV system in this paper, as shown in Figure 4. According to the structure of the ...