Control panel shows links to various configuration utilities, which are handy for administrators for computer maintenance. Run command to open control panel is ‘control’. Open control panel from Run You can follow the below steps to open control panel from Run window. Open Run window from Start...
'File Explorer Options' = "${controlPanelMS}FolderOptions" 'File History' = "${controlPanelMS}FileHistory" 'Fonts' = "${controlPanelMS}Fonts" 'Game Controllers' = "${controlPanelMS}GameControllers" 'Get Programs' = "${controlPanelMS}GetPrograms" 'HomeGroup' = "${controlPanelMS}HomeGrou...
To run a Control Panel tool in Windows, type the appropriate command in the Open box or at a command prompt. NOTE: If you want to run a command from a command prompt, you must do so from the Windows folder. Also, note that your computer may not have all of the tool...
'File Explorer Options'="${controlPanelMS}FolderOptions" 'File History'="${controlPanelMS}FileHistory" 'Fonts'="${controlPanelMS}Fonts" 'Game Controllers'="${controlPanelMS}GameControllers" 'Get Programs'="${controlPanelMS}GetPrograms" 'HomeGroup'="${controlPanelMS}HomeGroup" 'Indexing Optio...
Opening Control Panel via Run command Step 1:Open the Run command box by simultaneously pressing the Windows and R keys (Windows+R). Step 2:In the Run dialog box, typeControland then press Enter key to open the classic Control Panel. ...
用命令打开控制面板(Openthecontrolpanelwithcommands) CPL@2 Results:displayprinterproperties Command:rundll32.exeshell32.dll,Control_RunDLLmain.cpl@3 Results:displayfontproperties Command:rundll32.exeshell32.dll,Control_RunDLLmain.cpl@4 Results:thepowermanagementattributesareshown.60 ...
用命令打开控制面板(Open the control panel with commands) Auxiliary options Module: access.cpl Commands: rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, access.cpl, 5 Results: display secondary options / routines Commands: rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, access.cpl, 1 Results: display au...
There are two ways to open a Control Panel item: The user can open Control Panel and then open an item by clicking or double-clicking the item's icon. The user or an application can start a Control Panel item by executing it directly from the command line prompt. ...
./User/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ADMX_ControlPanel/DisallowCpls 此设置允许你从控制面板窗口和“开始”屏幕显示或隐藏指定的控制面板项,例如“鼠标”、“系统”或“个性化”。 此设置会影响“开始”屏幕和控制面板窗口,以及访问控制面板项的其他方式,例如“帮助和支持”中的快捷方式或使用 control.exe 的命令行。
Clicking that link returns to the control panel home page, abandoning any work in progress without a confirmation. Don't put a Close command button on control panel pages. Users can close a control panel window using the Close button on the title bar.Task...