> docker version Client: Version: 18.06.1-ce API version: 1.38 Go version: go1.10.3 Git commit: e68fc7a Built: Tue Aug 21 17:23:03 2018 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: falseIt's possible you may see an older version here. Step 4 Run the following commands ...
an open interface between control and data planes, such as the ForCES (Forwarding and Control Element Separation) [29] interface standardized by the IETF and the Netlink interface to the kernel-level packet-forwarding functionality in Linux [30]; • a logically centralized control of the network...
This includes support for provisioning Windows VMs alongside Linux VMs, as well as any hardware, security, device, custom or multi-NIC support, and passthrough devices that are supported on vSphere. You can now provision workload VMs by using GPUs to support AI/ML workloads. VM Image Service ...
Disk typeTemperature sourceKernel moduleCommand SATA Linux kernel (HWMON) drivetemp - NVME Linux kernel (HWMON) - - SAS/SCSI hddtemp - hddtemp Some additional notes: For NVME SSDs no kernel driver will be loaded the kernel itself can handle this disk type For SATA disks the drivetemp kernel...
Install the Docker CE packages; see https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/centos/#install-docker-ce Note Use the "Install using the repository" method. Step 13 Start the Docker service and enable it to start on boot: [root@sdc-vm ~]# ...
For example, run /u01/software/em/em13200p1_linux64.bin. Note: To invoke the installation wizard on UNIX platforms, run em13200_<platform>.bin. To invoke on Microsoft Windows platforms, run setup_em13200_win64.exe. The installer requires about 10 GB of hard disk space in the temporary ...
Software is based on a NodeJS server and can be run on Windows, Mac or Linux computers, on-premise or using cloud instances for remote production scenarios.Graphic templates are typical HTML templates used with CasparCG and other HTML compatible renderers. Integrating existing templates with SPX ...
On Linux and UNIX systems, you must be logged in as root and on Windows, you must be logged in as a user with Administrator privileges to run this command. Example An example of this command is: # srvctl add nodeapps -n crmnode1 -A srvctl add oc4j Adds an ...
Resource Monitoring: Users can monitor server resources like CPU usage, memory usage, and disk space, which is crucial for maintaining website performance and efficiency. Webuzo is compatible with various Linux distributions and can be installed on dedicated servers, virtual private servers (VPS), or...
To run the application in service mode on any Windows, MacOS, Linux distibution or supported router, simply run:./ctrld startas system/root user. This will create a genericctrld.tomlfile in theuser homedirectory (on Windows) or/etc/controld/(almost everywhere else), start the system servi...