Returns the Microsoft Excel control type. Read-only XlFormControl. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFormControl FormControlType { get; } Property Value XlFormControl Remarks You cannot use this property with ActiveX controls (the Type property for the Shape object must return ...
DictConfigurationKey DictDataEntity DictDataEntityField DictEnum DictField DictFieldGroup DictFullTextIndex DictIndex DictLicenseCode DictRelation DictView Direction DirectoryType DLL DLLFunction DocNode DynamicPropertyCallback DynamicPropertyManager EntityCategory EntryPointType EnumerableRetrieverHelper ExcelExportMode...
ILegendKey ILine ILinearGradient ILines ILinkFormat IListBox IListBoxes IListColumn IListColumns IListDataFormat IListObject IListObjects IListRow IListRows IMailer IMenu IMenuBar IMenuBars IMenuItem IMenuItems IMenus IModel IModelChanges IModelColumnChange IModelColumnChanges IModelColumnName IModelCo...
XlBuiltInDialog XlCalcFor XlCalcMemNumberFormatType XlCalculatedMemberType XlCalculation XlCalculationInterruptKey XlCalculationState XlCategoryLabelLevel XlCategoryType XlCellChangedState XlCellInsertionMode XlCellType XlChartElementPosition XlChartGallery XlChartItem XlChartLocation XlChartPicturePlacement XlC...
To see what I mean for both of these, right click on the tabPage2, selectRename, replace the captionPage2with the wordTest, type a lower-caseain the accelerator key and then in the ControlTipText box type "Push Alt + a to activate me". Then click back on Page1, and run the UserFo...
Excel-style navigation through the grid is the default, allowing the user to move forward with the TAB key and backward with the SHIFT+TAB key combination. For more information, see Default Keyboard and Mouse Handling in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control....
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_z000k_dfm_out WHERE dfmaccount EQ i_z000k_dfm_out-dfmaccount. * IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SORT i_z000k_pc_dfm BY dfmaccount. LOOP AT i_z000k_dfm_out INTO fs_z000k_dfm. READ TABLE i_z000k_pc_dfm WITH KEY dfmaccount = ...
(Supplementary Fig.14). Interestingly, we found amongst our top SALL4-HDAC2 shared de novo DNA binding motifs matches for known transcriptional regulators of the NC that are re-expressed and have functional implication in melanoma, such as SOX10 and SOX948or RUNX149,50, and also key ...
Step 3 In the AAA Client Hostname text box, enter the WCS hostname. Step 4 In the AAA Client IP Address text box, enter the WCS IP address. Step 5 In the Key text box, enter the shared secret that you wish to configure on both the WCS and ACS servers. Step 6 Choose RADIUS...