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Foams are a type of dispersion (Table1) in which the dispersed phase is a gas in a liquid continuous phase. Foam in microbiology and biotechnology is hence common, where gas is present in water, with the prominent example of aerated fermentations. The stabilization of the foam by surface-ac...
were supported by grant numbers 6526, 9138, 5834, and 7811, respectively, from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowships. This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (numbers 18075004 and 19370017 ...
The paper describes an experiment in University/Industrial Collaboration in which the relationship between four partners involved was unusually close and the commitment by the University exceptionally large. The project concerned the development of an integrated computer control scheme for a 5-stand steel...
(Fig.4A). We first evaluated the specificity of our approach in a normal vs. normal “negative control” experiment. Afterwards, we tested one cancer sample against the model (N-of-one) to resemble common clinical settings. We compared our approach in both “negative control” and “positive...
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Though effective in theoretical simulation, the established traffic control models and optimization algorithms will result in model mismatch or even control strategy failure in actual application. However, they are commonly adopted in traffic signal control research, resulting in the unavailability of many...
For example, in the control of rotating machinery with mass imbalance, spin stabilization about a nonprincipal axis of inertia requires motion stabilization with respect to a subspace instead of the origin [30]. In general, the need to consider partial stability arises in control problems involving...
However, garden path effects were found irrespective of control information, although the garden path difficulty was reduced when the lexical control information highlighted the globally correct analysis (as in the above example), relative to when it did not. Experiment 2 replicated these results with...
Accounting for individual decisions in mechanistic epidemiological models remains a challenge, especially for unregulated endemic animal diseases for which control is not compulsory. We propose a new integrative model by combining two sub-models. The fir