1. Introduction Schistosomiasis is a group of diseases caused by parasitic worms of the genus Schis- tosoma. These blood-dwelling flukes have a complex life cycle involving freshwater snail intermediate hosts, and the transmission of the parasite is governed by social-ecological sys- tems and is...
For the stroke group, we used three levels of acuity: acute (≤ 2 weeks from stroke onset), subacute (≤ 6 months from stroke onset), and chronic (> 6 months from stroke onset). In the case of CP, we followed the four levels of the Gross Motor Function Classification System ...
A positive Hedge’s g value indicates comparatively higher values in the dependent variable in the peer assessment group (i.e., higher academic performance). Heterogeneity in the effect sizes was estimated using the I2 statistic. I2 is equivalent to the percentage of variation between studies ...
had a greater sway increase compared to the control group. Body dissatisfaction addresses one component ofbody image, which is defined as a conscious, persistent representation of our body size and shape28, and contains different components attributed to the own body shape, such as the physical ap...
The parameterωwas of initial interest because it reflects participants’ relative reliance on model-based vs. model-free control. A purely model-based agent has anωof 1, whereas a purely model-free agent has anωof 0.As expected, we observed a significant group effect onω(F(2,87) ...
(2010) described the strategy of PGM (Platinum Group Metal) flotation system control, based on three control levels. Base level of control is accomplished by implementing conventional PID controllers (with the purpose of stabilizing process parameters), while at the supervisory level, control of ...
We study a group of hosts A and symbionts B, where members of each can invest in cooperation that bring about benefits for their partner. While microbiomes often contain many microbial species, the model follows a focal species—or equivalently the members of one niche—and asks whether microbi...
E. in The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes (Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton (FL), 2012). Fritzsch, B. & Collin, S. P. Dendritic distribution of two populations of ganglion cells and the retinopetal fibers in the retina of the silver lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis). ...
aDemographic variables (excluding those having insignificant relationship with the dependent variable) were also entered into the regression model to control for their relationships with the dependent variable (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007). 人口统计的可变物 (除了的那些无意义因变量) 也被输入回归模型为...