Here's a sneaky strategy to make your prospects exert the effort to pay you. (Page 145) How a single story could convert honest people into cheaters, and vice-versa. (Page 145) What to say after people thanked you for something you gave or did, so they will feel a strong need ...
The next time you chat with women, try usingImplanted CommandsandDevalidationin your conversations. You’ll be surprised at how well they work! For extra credit, also find out how to induce the“Barnum Effect”on women usingBarnum Statements. It’s another Mind Control technique which you can...
In 2021, Shenandoah Growers, Inc.rebrandedthemselves as Soli Organic and plan to expand from seven farms to fifteen farms utilizing their proprietary soil-based controlled-environment system for indoor agriculture. Moving to this ESG based strategy has brought in additio...