而当使用script模式时,导出的ONNX就会保留Python层的Control Flow并将其转换成ONNX中的Loop OP。示例代码以及Netron可视化结果如下: import Pytorch模型中在Python层定义的Control Flow保留下来了。 4. 总结 这篇文章介绍了一下深度学习中的Data Flow和Control Flow,然后介绍了一下将Pytorch模型转为TorchScript的两种模...
【GiantPandaCV导语】本文作为从零开始学深度学习编译器的番外篇,介绍了一下深度学习框架的Data Flow和Control Flow,并基于TensorFlow解释了TensorFlow是如何在静态图中实现Control Flow的。而对于动态图来说,是支持在Python层直接写Control Flow的,最后基于Pytorch介绍了如何将Python层的Control Flow导出到TorchScript模型以...
本文介绍了一下深度学习框架的Data Flow和Control Flow,基于TensorFlow解释了TensorFlow是如何在静态图中实现Control Flow的。支持在Python层直接写Control Flow的动态图,最后基于Pytorch介绍了如何将Python层的Control Flow导出到TorchScript模型以及ONNX模型。 1. 前言 1.1. DataFlow 以TensorFlow1.x为例介绍一下DataFlow。
In the Control Flow, the task is the smallest unit of work, and a task requires completion (success, failure, or just completion) before subsequent tasks are handled. Workflow orchestration Process-oriented Serial or parallel tasks execution ...
使用DataFlow表达ControlFlow的一些思考 一、控制流 从接触面向过程语言开始,使用控制流编程的概念已是司空见惯。 代码语言:javascript 复制 if(condition){// do something}else{// do something else} 分支和循环是最常见的控制流形式。由于控制条件的存在,总有一部分代码片段会执行,另一部分不会执行。
This paper mainly present a solution to cross platform problem about the obfuscation in C/C++ source code, and describe the principle and performance of source code obfuscation algorithm, such as layout obfuscation, data flow obfuscation and control structure flow obfuscation. And it analysis's the...
Data Flow Control To support the STREAMS flow control mechanism, modules that useserviceprocedures must invokecanputnext(9F)before callingputnext(9F), and use appropriate values for the high-water and low-water marks. If your module has aserviceprocedure, you manage the flow control. If you ...
public FlowAccessControlConfiguration withActions(FlowAccessControlConfigurationPolicy actions) Set the actions property: The access control configuration for workflow actions. Parameters: actions - the actions value to set. Returns: the FlowAccessControlConfiguration object itself.with...