fin. 【缩写】 1.=finance 2.=financial 3.=financier 4.=finish soup fin n. 油翅鲨;产于太平洋,其鱼鳍价值极高,被用作制汤 fin footed a. 蹼足的 fin tip 直尾翅梢 control n. [U] 1.(对国家、地区、机构等的)管理权,控制权,支配权 2.控制(或操纵)能力 3.(键盘上的)控制键 [U,C]...
controlfin 操纵片 最新单词 colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢 colostration的中文意思 初乳病 colossus是什么意思 n. 巨像,巨人 colossians是什么意思及反义词 n. 歌罗西书 colosseum是什么意思 n. 罗马大圆形演技场 Colossendeidae怎么翻译及发音 深海蜘蛛科 colossal怎么翻译及发音 a. 巨大的,庞大...
Learn about the Control module, which includes the Control and ControlMetadata types, and the ControlType type alias.
Guidance and control fin 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Integrated Guidance and Control of Missiles With$theta hbox - D$Method A new suboptimal control method is proposed in this study to effectively design an integrated guidance and control system for missiles. Optimal formulation... X Ming,...
- Registros de cada jornada laboral adaptados a la normativa (Web, Excel, PDF), con la información del número de horas trabajadas en cada convenio colectivo, con el fin de facilitar de forma rápida y veraz todos los datos solicitados por la Inspección de Trabajo en la campaña NTOO...
BatOnRoute está especializada en el desarrollo de Software de movilidad para control, localización y gestión de flotas de vehículos y todo tipo de maquinaria, así como localización de personas y objetos. BatOnRoute desarrolla software específico de localización avanzada con el fin de poder ofr...
This article provides information about the HierarchyViewer control, which lets you represent hierarchical relationships for people, products, or organizations.The HierarchyViewer control lets you represent hierarchical relationships for people, products, or organizations. It's used primarily as a grap...
Fin 是固定的3x3变换矩阵,把颜色从输入空间变换到适合运算的工作空间,称为中间表示。当工作空间为XYZ空间时(假设输入为sRGB空间), M 是色适应矩阵,将输入三刺激值映射为对人眼L、M、S视锥细胞的三刺激量。如何选择合适的M矩阵是一个热点问题,不同的评价标准会导致不同的答案。 D是3x3对角矩阵(非对角线元素全部...
Credit Control is proud to have clients that include eight of the country’s largest financial institutions, thirteen of the top fifteen banks in the US, the nation’s largest credit unions, fintech digital lenders, telecom providers, colleges & universities, and major healthcare providers & larg...
A systematic approach was suggested to control pectoral fins by naturally accommodating fin constraints and automatically generating “intelligent” behavior (such as fin backing-up when required) for quick maneuvering [18]. Euler’s angle speed control and 3D performance of a fish robot, including ...