F2: 编辑活动单元格并将插入点放在单元格内容的结尾。如果禁止在单元格中进行编辑,它也会将插入点移到编辑栏中。Ctrl+F2: 显示“打印预览”窗口。Ctrl+Enter: 可使用当前条目填充选定的单元格区域。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题 2008-09-11 Excel中函数编辑按SHIFT+CTRL...
F4只能是重复上一次操作 而不能进行打印预览 也就是说只有你在按了CTRL+F2之后 在没进行其他操作的情况下,再按F4就可以变成打印预览的效果了,一旦进行了其他操作,就不是这个功能了 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
In this method, we’ll create a dataset to construct a control chart in Excel using multiple functions. Specifically, we’ll use the AVERAGE function to calculate the mean and the STDEV function to determine the standard deviation. From there, we’ll evaluate the Upper Control Limit (UCL) an...
Built-in context menu options allow you to close the current tab, close other tabs except selected, and close all the tabs, similarly to the context menu options in Visual Studio. Context menu documentation Add tab Add new tabs dynamically like adding new sheets in Microsoft Excel. Allows user...
Hi, Insiders. My name is Chirag Fifadra, and I'm a Product Manager on the Excel team. I'm excited to share with you an improvement to Excel for Windows that will give you more control over data conversions. More specifically, you can now control how and whether the data you enter...
你弄错了 F4只能是重复上一次操作 而不能进行打印预览 也就是说只有你在按了CTRL+F2之后 在没进行其他操作的情况下,再按F4就可以变成打印预览的效果了,一旦进行了其他操作,就不是这个功能了
AutoSelectAllInEditor 在一个单元格编辑中,是否允许通过Enter或F2来选择该单元格的所有内容 AutoUpdateTotalSummary 当列值发生改变时,自动更新汇总摘要数据 CacheValuesOnRowUpdating 缓冲将被存入数据源的数据(当一行数据要存入到数据源时,Grid可以将它的值存入到一个内部的缓冲器中。这样,万一那行数据在存入时被数据...
Microsoft Support. Control data conversions in Excel for Windows and Mac Hey Insiders, we’ve improved the Automatic Data Conversion settings we made available last year, and are now making them broadly available in both Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac. Users now have the a...
F2 If the DataGrid.AllowEditing property is true and the GridColumn.AllowEditing property is true for the current column, the current cell enters into edit mode. Esc If the current cell is in edit mode, reverts the changes that had been done in the current cell. If the underlying...