TRUEMEN BIOLOGY ENGLISH-NEURAL CONTROL AND COORDINATION-MCQ The major relay station for sensory input that projects to the cerebra... 02:27 Hypothalamus does not control 04:08 Which part of the brain is involved in loss of control when a person d... 04:07 Which of the following is mismat...
was coined. soon, the same symptoms were observed in people, though the cause was not apparent at the time. other affected people showed symptoms of acute mercury poisoning such as ataxia, muscle weakness, loss of motor coordination, damage to speech and hearing etc. in severe cases, ...
The ability of neurons to identify correct synaptic partners is fundamental to the proper assembly and function of neural circuits. Relative to other steps in circuit formation such as axon guidance, our knowledge of how synaptic partner selection is regulated is severely limited. Drosophila Dpr and...