从标准Windows 窗体控件继承并将 的或 值更改为 StandardClicktrue 可能会导致意外行为,或者如果控件不支持 Click 或DoubleClick 事件,则根本不起作用。StandardDoubleClickControlStyles 下表列出了Windows 窗体控件,以及为响应指定的鼠标操作而引发 (或DoubleClick) 的事件Click。 展开表 控制鼠标左键单击鼠标左键双击鼠标...
为指定的控件引发 Click 事件。 C# 复制 protected void InvokeOnClick (System.Windows.Forms.Control? toInvoke, EventArgs e); 参数 toInvoke Control 要为之分配 Control 事件的 Click。 e EventArgs 包含事件数据的 EventArgs。 适用于 产品版本 .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5....
A fast way to apply themes to your controls is to right-click on a control on the Microsoft Visual StudioDocument Outlineand selectEdit ThemeorEdit Style(depending on the control you are right-clicking on). You can then apply an existing theme by selectingApply Resourceor define a new one ...
which indicates that it doesn't provide nor does it need any formal details about what is going on. To launch this event, you can double-click the button on the form. To create this event programmatically, first implement the method that would carry its...
If there were any updates already downloaded and pending, you’ll still need to install those. After that, however, you’ll only get updates when you click the “check for updates” button. When you do that, Windows will behave like it does when updates are automatically downloaded. ...
protected virtual void OnRightTapped(RightTappedRoutedEventArgs e); パラメーター e RightTappedRoutedEventArgs イベントのイベント データ。 注釈 このイベントは MapControl には実装されません。 Windows 8 の動作 Windows 8 では RightTapped イベントのデータに問題がありました。ここで、Rig...
To close the app, pressEscor click anywhere outside the app window. Use Windows eye control To turn on eye control, go toSettings > Accessibility > Eye controland turn on the toggle. Open Eye control settings When you switch on eye control, the launchpad appears on the screen...
publiceventSystem.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler? MouseClick; Event Type MouseEventHandler Examples The following code example demonstrates the use of this member. In the example, an event handler reports on the occurrence of theMouseClickevent. This report helps you to learn when the event occurs...
To close the app, pressEscor click anywhere outside the app window. Use Windows eye control To turn on eye control, go toSettings > Accessibility > Eye controland turn on the toggle. Open Eye control settings When you switch on eye control, the launchpad appears on the screen...
InvokeOnClick(Control, EventArgs) 지정된 컨트롤에 대해 Click 이벤트를 발생시킵니다. InvokePaint(Control, PaintEventArgs) 지정된 컨트롤에 대해 Paint 이벤트를 발생시킵니다. InvokePaintBackground(Control, PaintEventArgs) 지정...