res = json.loads(test_string, strict=False)print(res) output : Also, if you get an error like this in the future, a debugging technique you can use is to shorten the string to something that works and slowly add data until it doesn't....
应网友要求,添加swift版本 funcdeleteControlCharacter(oriString:String)->String{letocStr=oriStringasNSStringletocMStr=NSMutableString.init(string:ocStr)letset=CharacterSet.controlCharactersvarrange=ocMStr.rangeOfCharacter(from:set)whilerange.location!=NSNotFound{ocMStr.deleteCharacters(in:range)range=ocMStr....
From your shared code snippet, it seems like you're encountering a JSON parsing error due to bad control characters in string literals. This usually happens when there are unescaped control characters like a newline (\n), tab (\t), or carriage return (\r) in your JSON string. In your ...
This issue was originally filed by In json.dart, the functions _needsEscape and _escape fail to deal with control characters other than new line '\n' and carriage return '\r' (incorrectly referred to in the source code a sLINE_FEED -- which is a synonym for newline)....
while (range.location != NSNotFound){ // 包含 [mstring deleteCharactersInRange:range]; // 删除 range = [mstring rangeOfCharacterFromSet:controlChars]; // 遍历 } return mstring; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A Shimmer Label
需要进行遍历删除 NSMutableString*mstring=[NSMutableString stringWithString:originalString];NSCharacterSet*controlChars=[NSCharacterSet controlCharacterSet];NSRange range=[originalString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:controlChars];while(range.location!=NSNotFound){// 包含[mstring deleteCharactersInRange:range];// 删除ran...
针对你提到的错误提示“invalid characters in string. control characters must be escaped.json(262)”,以下是我的详细解答: 1. 识别问题中的错误提示信息 错误提示“invalid characters in string. control characters must be escaped”表明在字符串中存在非法字符,这些字符需要被转义才能被正确处理。 2. 解释错误...
如果源数据包含控制字符,则FOR JSON子句在 JSON 输出中会使用\u格式对其进行编码,如下表中所示。 控制字符编码后的输出 CHAR(0)\u0000 CHAR(1)\u0001 ... CHAR(31)\u001f 示例 下面是同时包含特殊字符和控制字符的源数据的FOR JSON输出的示例。 查询: SQL ...
Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RF 2019-12-16 10:43 −SpringBoot 请求参数包含 [] 特殊符号 返回400状态 //springBoot 启动类 添加 bean @Bean public TomcatServletWebServerFactory tomcatServletWebServerFa... ...
json.loads(s)returns error message like this: ValueError: Invalid control character at: line1column33(char33) According to "If strict is False (True is the default), then control characters will be allowed inside strings. Control characters in this ...