as well as upon the co operation and re- Control Center In the U n ~ t e dStates was opened by ~ o n s ~ b lofl ~thte~patlent herself Margaret Sanger In 1923 Today, eleven years later, I n splte of the fact, however, that the methods cur there are over 150 centers ln ex...
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L. Thomas van BinsbergenInformatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1090GH Amsterdam, The NetherlandsMilen G. KebedeInformatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1090GH Amsterdam, The NetherlandsJoshua BaughPrincess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Department of Neuro-oncology, Utrecht, The ...
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The differential equations that model the motion of the system are ⎧xi′ = vi cos i ⎪ ⎨ yi′ = vi sin i ⎪⎩ i′ = wi (1) where xi and yi are the Cartesian coordinates of the center of mass of the ith UAV, vi is the linear velocity, i is the yaw angle, and i...
be rt resolved that t h e Amerrcan Brrth Con- trol League unrte w ~ t ht h e A m e n c a n Eugenics S o c ~ e t yrn for- m u l a t ~ n ga n d securrng t h e a d o p t ~ o nof t h e m o s t effectrve plans f o r provrdmg t h a t as a ...