FCPFederal Center Plaza(US FEMA) FCPFédération de Cercles Photographiques(French: Photographic Federation of Circles; Belgium) FCPFraud Control Policy(Australia) FCPF-Cell Production FCPForward Channel Partner(agreement; Xeros Technology Group, PLC) ...
ASC American Sunroof Company, Inc. ASC Assign Switch Classmarks ASC Administration Services Center ASC Abnormal Station Codes ASC Aerospace Service & Controls, Inc ASC Advice of Schedule Change (airlines) ASC Argument Structure Constructions ASC Air Support Coordinator ASC Allied Support Completion ASC ...
CRC Cooperative Research Center CRC Contrôle de Redondance Cyclique (French: Cyclic Redundancy Check) CRC Community Relations Coordinator CRC Community Resources for Children (Napa, CA) CRC Credentialing Resource Center (Danvers, MA) CRC China Record Corporation (est. 1949) CRC Corrosion Resistant Co...
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Center MAC Mobility Augmentation Company MAC Mission Assignment Coordinator MAC Maneuver Area Command MAC Multi Access Controller MAC Multiphase Atmospheric Chemistry MAC Medicaid Authorization Card MAC Multi Aircraft Control (aviation technology) MAC Montana Agricultural College MAC Micromech...
IC Implementation Coordinator IC Ice Crystals IC Inspection Chamber IC Invested Capital IC Initial Configuration IC Institute or Center (National Library of Medicine grants & funding) IC Inflatable Curtain (Volvo) IC Impulse Control IC Interference Cancellation IC Ingénierie des Connaissances IC Inter Ch...
In this work, arrival scheduling and airspace management data generated by the NASA/FAA Center/Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol (TRACON) Automation System (CTAS) and used by the FAA service provider is shared with an airline with extensive "hub" operations within the CTAS operational domain. The ...
The three big charities in the United States built the “Coalition on Smoking OR Health,” in which lobbyists from the charities worked together under a single coordinator, independent from the government (Derthick,2005). 3. Parliamentary Papers II, 1977–1978, 14,800, XVIII, nr. 34. ...
"We are too late. In an Ebola outbreak, you need to be a step ahead. We are two steps behind," says Anja Wolz, emergency coordinator for MSF, after WHO declared a public health emergency. MSF has more than 670 staff responding to the crisis. It has, however, "reached its limit in...
In January 2023, White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Ashish Jha warned that the U.S. health system will likely be dysfunctional owing to COVID-19 for years.103 The CDC has a duty to provide policy makers and the public with high-quality evidence to promote public health. A CDC ...